Bird Project – Deerhurst Street Park
Deerhurst Street Park is located within an area which has been carefully re-vegetated over the past 19 years by the MCCG Bushcare group “Section 12 – Gap Creek.”
One standout feature of the park, which is only around 1000m long by 60m wide, is the amazing diversity of birds who call it home. This is truly testament to the efforts of Mike and his team. Click here to open the May 2017 edition of “Feather Fascination” to learn more: Feather Fascination May 2017.
Surveys of the birdlife in Deerhurst Street Park are conducted each month and data is sent to Birdlife Birdata.
As at August 2018, 75 different species have been recorded in the park (66 in 2017).
Location of bird survey area within Deerhurst Park
This section of the Moggill Creek Catchment is along Gap Creek which is embedded in Deerhurst Street Park (800m long), plus an indeterminate section (200m) at the Northern end that reaches Gap Creek Road.
The entire section is about 1000m long and averages about 60m wide. The range of width is from 40m to 80m.
Section 12 stretches from Brookfield Rd in the South to a short distance past Kookaburra Street in the North. The entry points are from the end of Kookaburra Street or from Brookfield Road.

Description of the area
Gap Creek leaves Brisbane Forest Park and runs past several properties before joining Moggill Creek. Much of this section is very rocky with some deep waterholes and natural stone weirs.
Deerhurst Road Park runs from Brookfield Road on the South a little past Kookaburra Street. On the Southern and Eastern bank the park runs to Kookaburra Street. On both sides, there is a road reserve adjacent to the Northern end of the park.
There are nine Land for Wildlife properties adjacent to the park which are being cleared of weeds and planted with native vegetation.
A tenth property is slightly too small to join Land for Wildlife but it is largely weed free and is heavily planted. In addition, there are three properties which are either actively clearing weeds and planting next to the park or have agreed for the bushcare group to clear and plant. The road verge along the uphill side of Kookaburra Street is being cleared and replanted.

Biodiversity within the park
Gap Creek is a potentially significant corridor between Brisbane Forest Park (Mt Coot-tha) and Moggill Creek. Dense vegetation occurs along the creek although only 10% of remnant native species (scattered individuals) remain. The remainder are weeds.
Scattered forest red gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis), wattles (Acacia spp.) and brush box (Lophostemon confertus) remain away from the creek.
Major weeds include Camphor Laurel, Chinese Celtis, Broad-leaved privet, Broad-leaved pepper, Lantana, Ochna, Silver-leaf desmodium (velcro weed), Glycine, Singapore Daisy, Asparagus vine, Brazilian nightshade (Solanum seaforthianum), some Madeira vine, Easter cassia and mulberry.
Wildlife is abundant in this Section, with red-necked and swamp wallabies, lace monitors and various species of glider being locally abundant. Koalas are to be seen occasionally.
Survey reports
The following reports, compiled by Jim Butler, provide information about the are of the park used for the survey, methods used and lists of the species encountered.
Deerhurst St Park Bird Survey 2017 (2231 KB)
Deerhurst St Park Bird List 2017 (204 KB)
Deerhurst St Park Bird Survey 2018 (517 KB)
Many thanks to the Birders who have so methodically compiled this data: Jim Butler, Ian Muirhead, Kaye McLennan and Chris Read.
And sincere thanks also to our wonderful Section 12 volunteers, led by Mike Humphreys. You can click here to view some of the team’s achievements.