On Sunday 21st October, Councillor Kate Richards (Pullenvale Ward) and Councillor Vicki Howard (Chairman of the Field Services Committee of Brisbane City Council) joined Jim Pope’s bushcare group (MCCG Section 3) in Tuckett St. Park, Kenmore Hills for morning tea following their regular monthly working bee.
The crew was able to impress upon the Councillors the excellent work done by volunteer bushcare groups in preserving and enhancing the natural environment.
They were able to show them some of the damage done by invasive weeds and weed trees such as Chinese Elm, (which can overwhelm native species) as well as the impressive way in which their removal and replanting with natives endemic to the local region can rapidly restore biodiversity.

Thank you to everyone, Councillors and volunteers alike, for your interest and passion, and, as always, for a job well done!