We have an exciting opportunity for one of our members to join the MCCG Committee.
Unfortunately, Sanja Oldridge has to relinquish the role of Secretary very shortly for personal reasons. We are therefore seeking a volunteer to take over the position of Secretary, at least until the AGM in November and ideally longer-term.
Duties include attending and taking minutes at our monthly Committee Meetings (currently on the fourth Thursday morning of each month) and circulating notices to the Committee and the wider membership via email.
Some proficiency in using email and word processing (in MS Word) is a requirement of the position.
Sanja has offered to provide an induction and support for anyone wishing to take on the role. Overall time demands average around half a day per week.
Please contact Jim Pope on 3374 4181or via email at [email protected] if you are interested in this fulfilling role.
Please also feel free to spread the word to anyone else who you think might be interested.